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Home Dental Services Ridge Augmentation

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For the past 10 years, Fairbanks Periodontal Associates has taken great pride in treating our patients compassionately and safely. We have always maintained strict adherence to regulations from the CDC qnd ADA. Universal precautions, such as masks, gloves, eye protection, and disinfection of treatment rooms have always been the standard in our practice. Our sterilization procedures remain state-of-the-art, with all instruments being sterilized before any use.

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Ridge Augmentation Fairbanks AK

4 Graphics of the stages of Ridge Augmentation from Fairbanks Periodontal Associates in Fairbanks, AKWhile there are innumerable procedures dental professionals can utilize to treat any number of oral cavity maladies, sometimes, the patient's body simply struggles to heal completely. Following oral surgery, if the patient is not content with the results, ridge augmentation surgery can be of help. Patients who would like to discuss this option should reach out to us at Fairbanks Periodontal Associates to discuss it and determine if it will help alleviate the symptoms.

What is a Ridge Augmentation?

Both the jaw and gums can be affected by extensive tooth loss. When there are vacated spaces, the opposing teeth have no way to apply pressure. The jawbone requires the constant pressure brought about by the natural force and motion of chewing. Without it, the jawbone will begin to deteriorate or become absorbed into the body. This can greatly impact the patient's appearance, the cheeks and gum no longer having the supportive structure of the teeth beneath. The dental ridge will sag inward into the oral cavity. Bone augmentation can help patients maintain their natural gum line and jawline too.

While it does help with the patient's appearance, it also helps to give a better supportive gum structure to protect the jawbones. Typically, with missing teeth, the gums and jawbones are exposed to damaging decay and deterioration.

Ridge Augmentation Procedure

To perform the ridge augmentation procedure a specified amount of bone material is harvested from the patient's body and applied to the area in need of improvement. It does not matter how much time has passed from the point of tooth extraction to the point of the ridge augmentation. It should be noted that the more time which passes between the point of tooth extraction and the ridge augmentation the more likely there will need to be other surgical procedures done to correct the issue.

To begin the bone augmentation, the underlying jawbone will need to be exposed. A small incision is made to accomplish this. Once exposed, the harvested material is placed directly on the jawbone. Sutures are used to hold the material in place so they can properly merge with the existing tissue. The incision is then closed so it can completely heal.

In some instances, a small device may be put into place to hold the teeth out of the empty socket. This is done to ensure that gum tissue can completely heal. Once it has healed this device is removed so the dental implant placement procedure can begin.

A dental ridge augmentation can help to give strength to an underlying supportive structure which has been weakened by disease or natural bone mass loss. It can also be used for strictly cosmetic purposes if the treatment calls for it.

For those patients dealing with gum disease or extensive tooth loss and are in need of solutions, come in and talk with us at Fairbanks Periodontal Associates. We can provide all information necessary to make the appropriate decisions for your care and address any of your concerns. You can also call us at (907) 455-7100 for a phone consultation or to schedule an appointment for your initial assessment. Call us today so we can get started.

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Ridge Augmentation Fairbanks, AK | Fairbanks Periodontal
We are experts in ridge augmentation; rebuilding the contour and jaw of the gum that may have lost bone due to a tooth extraction or any other reason.
Fairbanks Periodontal Associates, 114 Minnie St. Suite D, Fairbanks, AK 99701-3000 ~ (907) 455-7100 ~ ~ 9/26/2024 ~ Page Terms:dental implants Fairbanks AK ~